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Florida investor aims to draw start-up companies

On Behalf of | May 22, 2014 | Business Formation & Planning

There are a number of things that start-up companies have to evaluate when they decide where, when and how to launch their company. On top of figuring out which part of town is ideal, they could have to determine the best time of year to get started. However, for a start-up business in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, there are numerous legal considerations that should not be ignored. Whether a start-up has to deal with estate purchases, licensing or regulatory compliance, it is imperative to take the right approach.

A wealthy investor from south Florida founded a tech conference in the area, which recently drew over 5,000 people. The five-day forum focused on a number of issues, ranging from cutting edge medical technology to entrepreneurship in Latin America, according to organizers.

The investor behind the conference launched a tech company in Miami, which he sold for $1.4 billion in 2011. He wants to draw more attention to the lucrative opportunities for start-ups in Miami and attract more Latin American entrepreneurs, who he believes may not feel as comfortable in other cities.

Although there is often a certain amount of stress that comes with launching a business, there is also considerable potential. In order to simplify the process, people who are getting ready to start a business should review any relevant legal considerations and ensure that they are addressed properly. Also, someone who is dealing with legal issues may want to talk to an attorney and find the best way for their start-up to move forward.

Source: GlobalPost.com, “Conference hopes to put Miami on America’s tech startup map,” Zachary Fagenson, May 6, 2014
