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Solid Contracts Are Vital To The Success Of Your Business

Last updated on May 22, 2024

One of the most critical components to the success of any business involves contractual relationships. Any successful business needs to make smart decisions in all phases of contracts. From the initial consideration and negotiation of contractual terms to the drafting of documents to potential breach of contract litigation in the future, comprehensive representation from an experienced attorney is essential.

Fort Lauderdale contract law attorney Levi Williams has more than 30 years of experience representing individuals and business entities in Florida and internationally in corporate contracts, employment contracts, government contracts, buy/sell agreements, business sales contracts, vendor contracts and contracts for goods and services. He handles every aspect of contracts for clients, from the transactional aspects of negotiation, drafting and reviewing contracts to contract litigation.

Representing Your Best Interests In Contract Transactions

Attorney Williams represents clients in all transactional aspects contracts:

  • Contract negotiation and counsel
  • Contract drafting
  • Contract review

One of the most important aspects of good contract negotiation and drafting — an aspect that any inexperienced lawyers will ignore — involves making sure the contract represents the interests of everyone involved. This helps everyone take ownership of the contractual terms, increases all the parties’ sense of benefiting from the contract and it minimizes the probability of future contractual breach. If a contractual breach is imminent or otherwise unavoidable, laying the ground work for a “smart-breach” is invaluable to a client.

In Contract Litigation, Time Is Money

Even for large, well-funded businesses, the costs associated with contract litigation can be overwhelming and damaging to the bottom line. Attorney Levi Williams focuses on effective, streamlined contract litigation solutions for his clients.

“I focus on all aspects of my clients’ needs. I understand that, for many of my business clients, winning a case is not the only concern. The main goal is to obtain the maximum results with minimal time and financial costs. When I can see that litigation will be too time-consuming and costly for my clients, I help them find other, more efficient alternatives for meeting their unique needs.”  — Levi Williams, Attorney at Law

Government Procurement Contracts

Attorney Levi Williams serves as a government relations liaison in contractual negotiation, drafting and review between government agencies or municipalities and the businesses that provide their goods and services.

Call Our Knowledgeable Contract Attorney At 954-900-9138

With more than 30 years of experience, attorney Levi Williams provides contractual representation and general counsel services for businesses, individuals and government entities in Florida, throughout the United States and internationally. Call 954-900-9138 or contact the firm online to schedule consultation with attorney Levi Williams.