Regardless of the industry, businesses in Florida are bound by specific employment laws. These laws, however, can sometimes be hard to understand and may even be interpreted differently by different people. This is where many contract or employment disputes begin.
A lawsuit was filed against an adult club in Key West late in 2015. The original plaintiff was a woman who used to perform as a dancer at the club. Other former dancers also joined the suit eventually. In some situations, dancers at these clubs are compensated solely via tips and are assumed to be independent contractors. However, the lawsuit alleged that the club forced the women to abide by rules set out for employees yet failed to compensate them as such. The women were also forced to give tips to people working in other capacities throughout the facility.
This class-action lawsuit went before a U.S. District Court and the verdict was returned in favor of the women. The club has been ordered to pay outstanding wages to those included in the case. This represents compensation to dancers over a period of slightly more than five years. There is also a specific time period in which other dancers may be able to provide their information and receive past earnings as part of the settlement.
Understanding the legal ramification of each choice made by employers or employees alike is important. Businesses may wish to consult with an attorney to learn about wage and other requirements.
Source: Miami Herald, “Eligible strippers sought for club’s $1.2 million settlement,” Gwen Filosa, July 21, 2016