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Florida employee fired for handing out ballot petitions

On Behalf of | Jul 29, 2013 | Employment Litigation

Being fired from a job is never easy, particularly when someone suspects that they many have been let go for the wrong reasons. Florida has laws that protect employees from being terminated for personal reasons. When someone feels their employment rights have been violated, they may file a lawsuit.

A Florida school board has been accused of breach of contract and wrongful termination in the firing of a maintenance employee. Additionally, the former employee is accusing the school board of violating his right to free speech, equal protection, and due process. According to district policy, employees are not allowed to campaign on school property during business hours on behalf of any political issue or candidate. In April 2012, a Tampa man was fired for handing out ballot petitions to other staff members on school property.

In a complaint filed with the U.S. District Court in Tampa, the man claims that while he did hand out ballot petitions, he never violated the district’s policy. The complaint states that three coworkers approached the man and requested ballot petitions. These employees wanted to help Susan Valdes run for school board reelection. The complaint states that the man never told anyone who to vote for and never collected the signed petitions. He claims that he was fired for personal reasons.

If you are looking for information about employment law, you may want to seek legal representation. Whether you are a terminated employee or a business owner, a lawyer may be able to assist you.

Source: The Tampa Tribune, “Hillsborough school board sued over termination,” Jerome R. Stockfisch, July 18, 2013
