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Florida woman files suit after losing job

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2014 | Employment Litigation

From sexual harassment to wrongful discharge, there are a number of legal issues that can wreak havoc for companies. However, business owners aren’t the only ones impacted by these incidents, as there are many examples of employees being treated unfairly in the workplace. In Fort Lauderdale, anyone dealing with these types of cases should try to familiarize themselves with the laws in Florida and review their options, whether they are a job provider or a hard worker who was fired illegally.

After her employer discovered that she brought a gun to work, a 37-year-old woman from Tampa lost her job. However, the woman claims that she was wrongfully terminated and brought the gun with her for protection. Before losing her job, she was a bank manager and claims that the firearm would have helped her feel more safe and protect staff in the event of a robbery.

Her former employer did not agree and dismissed her for being in violation of a company policy that prevents employees from bringing weapons to work. The woman, who had a concealed weapons permit, claims that this dismissal violated her constitutional right to defend herself with a firearm.

After losing their job, workers could struggle with finding employment and paying bills, while businesses could suffer from negative attention following an accusation. Also, the costs associated with these cases can impact both sides. For those who are not very familiar with the legal process, trying to understand employment law can be difficult. Anyone who is dealing with this and trying to figure out the best way to move forward could find value in contacting a legal professional.

Source: The Tampa Tribune, “Woman fired after taking gun to work sues,” Jose Patino Girona, Feb. 21, 2014
