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Former worker sues employer after alleged unlawful firing

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2014 | Employment Litigation

From a civil rights dispute to FMLA violations, employment litigation takes many forms. However, when someone in Fort Lauderdale or any other Florida city has experienced setbacks due to these types of wrongdoings, they may consider employment litigation. Before moving forward with a lawsuit, those who are going through this should attempt to work towards a positive outcome with extensive planning and by ensuring the best decisions are made.

A Navy veteran who worked at a grocery chain claims that he lost his job after raising safety concerns. As a result, he recently filed a lawsuit against his former employer, who he claims was in violation of the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act, which defends whistleblowers who speak up about safety issues or unlawful behavior.

He says that he spoke to supervisors about his observations, who ignored his concerns regarding mold, spoiled food and unsafe working conditions, among other issues. After his supervisors failed to act, he reportedly complained to human resources, who told him he may not fit into the company’s culture. The former employee is asking for $5 million in punitive and compensatory damages along with attorney costs.

Whether a hard-working employee loses their job in a wrongful discharge, sexual harassment occurs or any other unlawful problem creates hardships for employees, there are many reasons why people decide to take their case to court. However, navigating through employment law can be difficult for someone who lacks significant legal experience, especially if they are dealing with other problems, which is why people in this position may want to talk with an attorney.

Source: NorthJersey.com, “Fired employee files whistleblower lawsuit against Trader Joe’s,” Joan Verdon, July 3, 2014
