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Florida shelter accused of wrongful termination

On Behalf of | Mar 31, 2016 | Employment Litigation

Any type of business, agency or operating entity can struggle at times with issues relating to employment. The extensive list of labor and employment laws that must be adhered to as well as the subjectivity of certain personnel-related issues can make what seems a simple situation turn very complex, very quickly. When situations like this arise, it is not uncommon for employees to attempt to sue or otherwise dispute the actions of an employer.

This can be seen in one current case in Florida right now. A domestic violence shelter, known as Harbor House, is embroiled in a case involving its former Chief Executive Officer. The woman was apparently relieved of her duties as leader of the organization. The reasons for her termination are not known. However, since leaving her job, the former CEO has initiated a lawsuit, claiming that she was wrongfully terminated.

The specific point about which the shelter and the woman disagree is not fully known but a statement made by the woman in the press referred to what she called the shelter’s “unwillingness to reasonably resolve severance-related issues.” Severance or other aspects of compensation can, in fact, be topics that lead to disputes between employers and current as well as former employees. When contracts are not able to iron out the differences, lawsuits like this can emerge.

Companies facing challenges with or by employees know that they must act properly and carefully. Getting the advice of an experienced corporate attorney at times like this may be a wise move.


Source: WESH.com, “Former Harbor House CEO files wrongful termination suit,” March 17, 2016
