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Misogynistic culture cited in gender discrimination claim

On Behalf of | May 18, 2017 | Employment Litigation

Florida employers know that they are bound by law to treat all employees fairly. Discrimination based upon gender, age, sexual orientation, age or other factors is expressely forbidden and may expose companies to legal liability. Allegations surrounding these types of things may take many forms, making each and every case truly unique.

One situation that exemplifies this is a lawsuit that was filed earlier this year in February by a former vice president of a technology startup company. According to reports, the company’s product line resonated primarily with male customers. The business is said to have consciously wanted to expand its products’ appeal to more female buyers as well. To this end, they hired a woman in the position of vice president of strategic marketing in April 2015.

The woman has since left the company after allegedly being fired when she complained about what she indicated what a highly misogynistic culture. The former employee has stated that despite being hired to better reach females, she was unable to get the support or attention of senior leadership that would have been necessary in that endeavor. She cites examples such as the inability to get or keep a scheduled meeting with the chief executive officer. In her lawsuit, she is seeking lost earnings along with damages and legal fees.

Companies that face allegations of discrimination by current or former employees may want to consult with an experienced business attorney to learn how best to defend themselves.

Source: South Florida Busines Journal, “Magic Leap settles gender discrimination lawsuit,” Deborah Lima, May 10, 2017
