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How can businesses prevent discrimination claims?

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2023 | Employment Litigation

Employees have rights that help ensure they feel safe in the workplace. This means that employees can not be targeted, harassed, demoted, retaliated against or fired because of their characteristics, such as race, color, gender, age, national origin, disability or religious beliefs. It’s important that businesses do what they can to combat workplace discrimination.

One way businesses can take action against discrimination is by being proactive. Here’s what you should know:

Require employee training

People who have discriminatory beliefs can slip through the cracks during the hiring process. This can cause a business to have its reputation of having a healthy workplace environment turn into one that’s rumored for its toxic conditions. Businesses may need to require that employees be trained about their rights and how discrimination is prohibited in the workplace.

Employee training could help people spot and report discriminatory behavior. A workplace that promotes the idea that employees can take action against discrimination can be safer. Training could also help employees understand their biases and how they affect others.

Promote diversity 

A workplace that has a lot of diversity may be less likely to propagate discrimination. This means promoting a workplace that recognizes, values and respects different cultures employees bring to the table. When employees see how diverse a workplace is, it may increase productivity and help employees feel safe. A diverse workplace may also help break stereotypes. 

Enforce workplace policies

Every business should have a code of conduct and policies that outline what discrimination is and how it’s disallowed in the workplace. Business policies may also explain what happens when a discrimination claim is made. For example, after a claim is made, then the report is investigated. If the claim is true, then the offender may face repercussions that help retain a safe workplace environment.

If a discrimination claim is not taken seriously, businesses can suffer legal consequences. Businesses may need to be aware of their legal rights when handling discrimination claims. 
